Like Living Stones

A Living Hope - Part 4

May 7, 2023
A Living Hope





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But we are living stones, so what does that mean? How do we carry this foundational presence out into the world? How do we commit to building a church that transforms not just those inside, but those outside as well? How will our body-building strengthen our whole neighborhood and not just ourselves? This is the challenge of the living stones: discipleship for the transformation of the world.

Mission Moment: Native American Ministries Sunday

Native American Ministries Sunday (NAMS) is one of the United Methodist Church’s Special Sundays; it is a time to recognize the history of Native peoples; marred by colonial violence, land theft, and attempted genocide. Let us all embrace our opportunity and obligation to honor the struggles, perseverance, and achievements of our Native brothers and sisters.

Donations to NAMS support vital ministries and churches in the Native American communities and allow the UMC to partner with existing Native ministries to develop new programs on behalf of Native Americans. Half of the donations collected remain within the Annual Conference to provide hope to children and youth, hope for a brighter future in impoverished communities, and a voice to those who have felt voiceless for years.

When you give generously on Native American Ministries Sunday, you equip seminary students who honor and celebrate Native American culture in their ministries. You empower congregations to find fresh and culturally appropriate ways to minister to their communities with Christ’s love.

You can give by adding “Native American Ministries” to your gift online.


Raise A Hallelujah
My Hope Is Built
You Are God Alone (Not A God)
Fear Is Not Welcome
What A Beautiful Name
All The Earth Will Sing Your Praises

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